The team of Skillfull and Experienced workers we have is like none other. We have great expertise in handling - Granite Blocks, Steel ( Re-Bars, CR Coils, HR Coils,Wire rod Coils, Billets, Plates, Pipes), WindMill (Blades, Towers, Nasal),Railway (Cars, Coaches and Engines), CAT- KOBELCO- KOMATSU and KAWASAKI heavy Machinery (Dump trucks, wheel loaders, Dozers, Motor Graders, etc), Jumbo Bags (Barytes), Heavy Cases/Skids, Aero Bridges, Titanium Tubes and all other General & ODC Cargoes.
All Lifting Gears we use are tested and Certified. Our Own lifting equipments are used to handle cargoes weighing upto 100 MT's. (Conditions Apply). Our team of stevedores at chennai has helped our principals in obtaining 1st position in Project Cargo handling and 2nd in Break Bulk Handling respectively.
As Movement of entire cargo for a single shipment cannot be done in one night. We have Stock yards inside as well as outside Chennai Port to stock the cargo as and when they are shipped out of the factory/Mines.
we have leased a plot of about 9000 at Spring Haven Road inside chennai port to handle CATERPILLAR Cargo as well Granite Blocks. We do the yard management for Caterpillar where all RO-RO units are offloaded from the trailers the same day they arrive. Two 40 Tons SWL cranes are used to offload these units weighing between 40-60 Mts.
We also Assemble CAT units( Mostly 777D's). As these units are ODC they come as Semi-Assembled Chasis. The tyres, Body and other accessories are mounted on them by using our own Heavy Lift Cranes and Forklifts.
Once these Ro-Ro units are offloaded and assembled, the same are moved along side the vsl by our Heavy Machinery Licensed Drivers.
We also initiated 'Plant a Sapling Day' on the 15th of June 2012 where about 50 Saplings were planted all around the yard. A GO GREEN Initiative.
Outside Port we have leased a yard at Paruthipattu to handle Granite blocks. The Blocks are moved by shippers to our Yard and the same is offloaded using our 50 MT Heavy Lift crane. A week before the vessels Chennai call the blocks are moved from paruthipattu yard to Port yard. Thus avoiding Traffic congestion and there by enabling us to connect all the blocks.
Our FLeet of FLT's, Cranes are Ramps are unmatched. We have Forklifts from 5MTs to 30 MTs SWL. Two Heavy lift Crane with an SWL of 40 MTs each . Two Ramps with SWL 40 Mts which is used to load/Offload Ro-Ro units from/Onto Trailer.